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LOVE the OLD days!

oh,i MISS the MEMORY so muchh!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013 23:29

HELLO BLOGGERS!It been ages since I last sign in and update my DEAREST blog!As usual before I being my sharing entry,I would like to take this OPPORTUNITY to APOLOGIES to my CONSISTENT readers(if there are) and my DEAREST blog!I did  not mean to make my blog DUSTY and DULL but due to my "PERFECTIONIST" habit,I tend to UPDATE my blog when the WORDS,TIME and MOOD are there!

Here I am today,signing in and updating my DEAREST blog with a NEW sharing entry.Oh well,you might be asking what are the reason behind the picture I post at the start of my NEW sharing entry.Basically it is because that picture BEST describe what are HAPPENING inside my MIND!In another word,my MIND IS IN A BIG MESS!

Most of you or even all of you who are CONSISTENT in reading my blog might be asking WHY?
My answer to your question is like what is stated at the beginning of the sharing entry.I know human being are being CREATED and therefore we are NOT POWERFUL&PERFECT like our CREATOR (in my belief[religious]).However I have this "PERFECTIONIST" habit where whatever I do and join,I will want to have the feel of RESPONSIBILITY, sense of BELONGING and DO them at the BESTEST ABILITY of mine at the same time BE MYSELF as WHO I AM CREATED TO BE!

I believe the FOLLOW up question from all of you are WHAT make you FEEL that you DID NOT fulfilled your "PERFECTIONIST" habit?Oh well the following pictures with headline will explain it!





In case my CONSISTENT readers didn't get it with the HEADLINES and pictures,here I am summarizing all of the 4 listed HEADLINES and pictures.I am a FULL-TIME students of Republic Polytechnic.My 1st year in RP was a NIGHTMARE!My CUMULATIVE GPA is just 1.7 and NOW I have MOVE ON to YEAR 2,Semester 1!After knowing my CUMULATIVE GPA,I decided to REFLECT on mine DISCIPLINE&TIME MANAGEMENT!I ADMIT I LOST track during my Year 1, Semester 2!

With the REFLECTION and some research,I FOUND a new STUDY method which is MORE or LESS to  my RELIGIOUS way!Since I am NOT NATURALLY a DISCIPLINE person,here I am at the ending of my 3rd week of school reopen with a LOST TRACK!

I have BEEN DELAYING my WORKS which RESULT to me USE IN time for FAMILY,FRIENDS&RELATIONSHIP!Which leads to me NOT ABLE TO BE THERE for THEM just like HOW they are THERE for ME!&In conclusion I feel USELESS and UNFAIR to them!I CAN'T ALWAYS think of my COMFORT,I have to CONSIDER theirs too.Just like this phrase;"TREAT PEOPLE THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED!"

I'm SERIOUSLY LOST NOW!Even with me posting this at my BLOG!I will NOT let NEGATIVE take OVER me!I will let this week come to end and MAKE SURE I COMPLETE ALL MY DELAYED WORKS and START next week PROPERLY with PROPER TIME MANAGEMENT and DISCIPLINE!

It is a LONG GRANDPARENTS NEW sharing entry.
I will end here for now and today!
Will update my blog when the "PERFECTION" is there!
With that,
Goodbye,Goodnight and Take Care!

Saturday, December 15, 2012 23:04

Happy 19th year Birthday Nur Amirah.Semoga dipanjangkn umur,dimurahkn rezeki,diberkati hidup dan berbahagia disamping insan2 tercinta!May all your wishes and dream come true!&Hope you ENJOYED your BIG day!

So sorry I can't attend your Birthday Celebration with your family because my mind isn't in a ease state and I kind of lost in my own world.So yeay here another LAST wishes from me before your BIG day end..Haha..:DD
See ya soon,insyallah next week!:DD<3


HELLO BLOGGERS!It been ages since I last sign in and update my DEAREST blog..As MOST or even all CONSISTENT readers(if there is any) know,I have this "PERFECTIONIST" habit!I will ONLY update my DEAREST blog when the MOOD,WORDS&FEELINGS are there&they are COOPERATIVE.

So basically before I being my SHARING,I would like to take this opportunity to apologies to my DEAREST blog for making you BORING,DUSTY&ABANDON you..I serious have NO INTENTION for that..If it is already HARD for me to KEEP my BLOG alive,whats more with owning a DIARY!

But whatever it is,I NEVER forget your EFFORT in lending a LISTENING EARS,SHOULDER to CRY on&even being my PUNCHING bag!Basically today entry is NOTHING much,SAME matter OVER&OVER again..I SEEM to have A LOT of thoughts PLAYING in my mind but I just CAN'T figure out what is it!

Due to that I will NOT do MUCH of SHARING because I DID NOT know where to START SHARING about what been happened/happening to myself&life..Haha..:DD
My wish NOW is ONLY one,to see ALMOST everyone around me be it the CLOSE one or NOT happy&Allah blessed and ease my journey in this TEMPORARY life as well as CLEARED my MIND!:DD

I GUESS thats all for today&NOW!My BRAIN juice&cells are DRIED up and DEAD!When this happen,it SEEM hard for me to THINK of the WORDS to use to make a PROPER sentence than type it out in my BLOG entry!For your information,this is my 1st BLOG entry using Blogger app for Iphone!Haha..:DD

With these;
Take Care&

Monday, September 17, 2012 23:43

It been ages since I last sign in and update my DEAREST blog!Oh well as per normal before I being my sharing,I would like to take this opportunity to APOLOGIES to CONSISTENT readers(if there is any) and my DEAREST blog!I did NOT mean to make it OLD,DUSTY and BORING..However as most or even all that know me,I am someone who can be called has a "PERFECTIONIST".Therefor in order for me to update my DEAREST blog,I PREFER to do it when the TIME,MOOD&WORDS are being CO-OPERATIVE!

For today entry,I am going to try my best not to make a GRANDPARENTS sharing entry but instead PICTURES do the talking..So yeay,do MIND that there are PLENTY of pictures that I am going to UPLOAD&SHARE as TODAY sharing entry.

1.Wednesday,5th September 2012;
Overdue Pictures of the items and my LAST MINUTE shopping partner!The actual purpose was to buy Nenek's wallet as she want a wallet like mine!However it turn out to be my STRESS FREE and SHOPPING moment!Haha..:DD

Psst;Thank you for your time,opinion and patience in tolerate with my behavior and BORING outing with me..Much appreciate!Thank you so much my 1st and still Republic Polytechnic Mate,Natasha!:DD<3
2.Thursday,6th September 2012;
Overdue pictures of my DEAREST FAMILY MEMBERS and Educational Animals Trip!:DD<3 

These pictures were taken using Kakak's Polaroid&if you can see there is a CIRCLE things at a CENTER picture where I'm NOT using SCARF!It is RING where Kakak bought for herself&her SPECIAL one but UNFORTUNATELY.the ring size is SMALL for her SPECIAL one so she GAVE it to ME!Well the the rest of the picture where Ayah is ENGROSSED eating and Me POSING with an ICE CREAM,it was on my 19th Birthday,where we TRAVELED from Choa Chu Kang to Changi Aiport just to CELEBRATE it!Haha..:DD<3

With these,I will put an end to my SHARING entry!
I will sign in and update when the THREE criteria are being CO-OPERATIVE!
Thank you for dropping by my blog (if there is any).
So sorry I am not good in making a PICTURES do it TALKS entry!
So yeay,Goodbye..
Goodnight&Take Care!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012 06:39

Senyumanmu tidak pernah pupus dari pandagan.
Suaramu tidak pernah hilang ditelan masa dari pendengaran.
Kini engkau tidak bersamaku dari segi jasad;
Namun kenagan yang dibina bersama sentiasa menjadi teman untk diriku.
Akan  aku sentiasa mendoakn kesejahteraanmu disana dalam masa aku belajar menerima hakikatNYA dengan redha.

HELLO EARTHLINGS!It been ages since I last sign in and update my blog..As usual before I being my sharing entry,I would like to take this opportunity to apologies to my blog and consistent readers(if there are any).Well I guess by now,most or in fact all of you know that I have this "perfectionist" habit.Therefore the reasons why I never update my blog is because either of the 3 component needed for me to update my blog are not being cooperative.They are basically the mood,time and words to be used.

Ohkae enough of explaining why my blog remain silent,dead and dusty..Let get into the sharing entry.There are a lot of matters that happened to me,my family,cousins,nieces,nephews,uncles and aunties.Those matters either affect our emotional,mental or physical with/without we realize it.Well that is life.The story about us human being who is created by Allah and all that happened to us be it we prepared or not is by Allah wills.He is the one who create us and he also the one who wrote the story of our lives.From the day we were born to the day we go back to him.It is COMPLEX for us human being to really understand and appreciate it especially when it is something that got to do with our lowest time on Earth.

As you all EARTHLING knows that my entry for the day being with an emotional phases.I created these phases when I was about to go to sleep again after I had my pre-dawn for my 27th Ramadhan.I just don't know who these phases are dedicated to and I try to find the cause what makes me wanna to create these phases.I created these phases after knowing that a missing Singapore Armed Force Officer who had an attachment at Brunei has a connection with me in a sense that he is my schoolmates when I was in Secondary School.This  Officer went missing on the 12th of August 2012 and he was found dead on the 14th August 2012 morning.
It is SHOCKING!Although I am not close with him,the feel of losing someone closed and loved is hard and take a long period of time before someone able to overcome it.

Other than this reason,these phases are dedicated to myself,family members,nieces,nephews and cousins whom their closed and loved one,one by one make their move to meet Allah.I might not understand 100% how his family feels but I know it is hard.Just the same when my uncle,a brother to my father and the 1st son to my Grandma left us for a better place.

But whatever it is,we as human being are being encouraged not to ask why this and that happened to us and not others.Allah knows us well than ourselves.He knows our strength,he knows our weakness and he also know what type of challenges we able to overcome.The one that left us to go back to Allah,will never be alive again expect when at Padang Masyar(spelling?).We that still breath and alive,let use our time and opportunity to get Allah's blessing.

Kepada Almarhum Abu Chee Bin Omar(The Gentleman with the Green Songkok and Spectacle),Almarhum LCP Muhd Fahrurrazi dan Almarhum2 serta Almarhumah2,saya mendoakn agar sesakan kubur anda senua dipermudahkn dan anda semua terlentak disisi hamba2/kalifah2 yang disayangi Allah s.w.t. Amin Ya Rabbal Al Amin.

Friday, June 29, 2012 17:47

It been 15 days since I last sign in and update my DEAREST blog!As usual before I being my ENTRY for the day,I would like to take this OPPORTUNITY to APOLOGIZE to my CONSISTENT readers and my DEAREST blog!

As we all noted that at the previous entry,I post that it was going to be a COMPACT entry but it TURNS out NOT too because the three criteria that I required in order for me to update my blog were not being co-operative.Therefore,I DID NOT continue to make a COMPACT entry.Well I THOUGHT of SUMMARIZE all the events and put it in a few sentences or paragraphs  for an entry but again it DID NOT turn out to be as what I WANT  it to happen.All these are NOT only because of the THREE criteria but also I'm LOST and DID NOT able to SUMMARIZE all of it as I did not want you,READERS to have a WRONG thinking about what the actual meaning behind those entry.

However today,I'm GLAD that one of my Facebook friends actually upload codes and pictures from tumblr and shared it at her profile.As I was browsing today,I happened to read one of the code and picture that suit what BOTHERING me.&Again,it is NO OTHER than FRIENDSHIP!Haiss..

Hmm..I CAN'T blame NATURE and ALLAH because I,myself has NOT being CONSISTENT in doing what he ENCOURAGE and REQUEST!What can I asked for other than ALLAH to guide me and also open my heart,mind and soul to be MORE RESPONSIBLE in being a GOOD MUSLIMAH!&who knows when that time arrive,I will be MORE MATURED and able to APPRECIATE what it called FRIENDSHIP!

I will end my entry for the day here!
The three criteria are not being that co-operative.
I will sign in and update again my DEAREST blog when 
the three criteria is in a GREAT mood and being VERY co-operative!
With these,
Take care..

Thursday, June 14, 2012 19:46


Today marks the 6th days since I last sign in and update my DEAREST blog!So here I am today at Cafe Galilee in Woodland Regional Library with one lady that I have known and still getting to know that is Natasah.Before I begin my entry,as usual I would like to take this opportunity to apologies to my DEAREST blog and CONSISTENT readers for NOT updating all of you.

See the Collage pictures on top? Obversely all of us can see it unless we have any sickness that got to do with our eyes.Well that is the lady that I have been talking about.The lady that make me want to build up my wants in updating blog and also the lady that kept asking me to update my blog on daily basis.Unfortunately I aren't like her and I try but still unsuccessful to make the habit of updating blog on daily basis.Haha..:DD

Oh yeay!Today entry will be COMPACT as I am going to share about today and 6 days back..Haha..:DD
Well today NOTHING much!As usual 8.30 am is the start of schooling hours for Republic Polytechnic Year One student and 3.30pm  marks  the end of the schooling hours for Republic Polytechnic Year One student.The DIFFERENT about TODAY is that we have to stay till 4.30pm just to go to class we are appointed to go and seat for our Understanding Test 1 at 4.45pm.The Understanding Test is like an early semester/term examination and its duration is just 45 minute.

Well 45 minute is a SHORT period of my time for me PERSONALLY&today my classmates and I have to SEAT for our ENGINEERING DESIGN Understanding Test 1.It is the ONLY module for all Year One School of Engineering that use PAPER.Therefore I shall comment that the PAPER is ACCEPTIONAL!

Okae,I'm going to be FRANK!I am SOMEONE who DISLIKE to comment.Even if my TEMPTING to comment,I will CONSIDER the FEELING,THOUGHT, SURROUNDING,SITUATION and etc.So one of my DISLIKE in commenting is EXAMINATION papers.Haha..:DD

As I typed and pause to read back and see if my sentences make sense and can be understand by human being,I also been thinking that I shall not CRAMP all of my ENTRY here!So in conclusion,I am going to have A LOT of NEW entry today!

Before I publish and SO CALLED end this entry of mine,I just CAME to remember that THIS WEEK is a WEEK of my cousin BIG day!Eventhough that DAYS yet to come,the PREPARATION has started which is TODAY!I NOTED most of you will be ASKING than why am I at Cafe Galilee updating my blog well SCHOOL has REOPEN for Republic Polytechnic students so I have to make decision,although FAMILY is IMPORTANT but my ACADEMIC is IMPORTANT to so I decided to PRIORITIZE my study in a sense COMPLETE my Reflection Journal,Evaluation and Quiz but UNFORTUNATELY, the SERVER is DOWN ever since 3.45pm.
SAD life right?Haha..:DD

Okae dokie!I'm going to STOP here for my CURRENT entry and START typing my NEXT entry!
So sorry that you READERS have to read a WORDY and GRANDPARENTS stories!*stepcutesorryface*

Nurfarhana is her name!
Nineteen is her age!
Twelveseptember is her celebration!
Republic Polytechnic is her current institution!
ITE College West(CCK Campus) was ONCE her institution!
She is been love byy her family,anuties,uncles,cousins,nephews,nieces and friends
She behave and have different attitude with different surrondings and peoples!
Her attitude and behaviour depends on her dress code!
She hearts to be happy,cheerful and smiling all dayy long!
She dislike downs in life but she know she have to face it and go with the flow!
She loves to change and see things in good&positive wayy!
Having a lot of different attitude,behaviour,backgrounds of friends is a bless to her!
Fight,losing friends and having enemies is her BIGGEST detest!
This is because she knows that HUMAN RACE AREN'T PERFECT!

Ayumie owned!
Ahyeen owned!
Crownie owned!
Eunice owned!
Farrah owned!
Hasanah owned!
Natasah owned!
Rif owned!
Rio owned!
Samsuri owned!
Shalania owned!
Sally owned!
Shakirah owned!
Susan owned!
Veron owned!
Ziela Wonder owned!


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December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
April 2011
June 2011
June 2012
August 2012
September 2012
December 2012
May 2013

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